Add and endorse skills on Workplace

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راهنمای برنامه iPhone
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راهنمای مرورگر همراه
If you can't find skills on your profile, your Workplace admin may have disabled the feature.
Add skills to your profile from your computer
  1. Click your profile picture in the bottom left of Workplace.
  2. Click View Profile.
  3. Hover over Details in the right panel and click Edit.
  4. Scroll down to Basic info and click + Add Skills.
  5. Begin typing any skill. If the skill has already been added by another colleague, it will pre-populate.
  6. Click on the skill.
  7. Click Save.
Note: To remove a skill, click Edit next to the Skills section and click X next to the skill you want to remove, then click Save.
Endorse a coworker's skill
  1. Go to your coworker's profile and go to their Skills in the right panel.
  2. Click next to a skill you want to endorse.
To remove an endorsement, click the highlighted .
Note: You can't endorse your own skills.

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